Week 49: Hey, Kool-Aid!
Just three weeks-worth of images left to post and I’m done!
Just three weeks-worth of images left to post and I’m done!
…and plenty of dramatic poses from various dramatic angles!
At least some of the time Kid Hercules gets to be a kid!
Alas, no more animated Kid Hercules!
Here it is! I’ve been waiting for this moment for quite awhile- the moment when I could bring Kid Hercules to life! …
Here’s an idea I kind of wish I’d explored a bit more during my 365 challenge. A friend of mine suggested I …
This week marks the completion of the third sketchbook in my 365 challenge. It’s fun watching them fill up and moving on …
Kid Hercules hams it up for his 300th daily drawing. As the end of this challenge draws near, I can’t help but …
Vidya and Dr. Finkenstein are studying Kid Hercules in a top-secret lab! But what are they searching for, and what will they …